Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Our First Horse...Our Highest Peak!

I was wondering when someone was going to dedicate Mt. Washington to a be- loved animal. (Per- haps I scared some folks away when I posted the piece about dying on Mt. Washington.) I am thrilled to know that we'll be doing Mt. Washington in mem- ory of Red, who was the horse of our good friend, Terry Berns. Terry's dedi- cation also puts us over the halfway mark for dedications in the first round of 48 peaks. Hers was the 25th donation received. I like what she had to say about Red in her email to me: I've attached the only picture of Red that I have downloaded onto my computer. It was taken about 5-6 years ago when Red and I used to go on camping trips together. I'd like to dedicate Mt. Washington in his memory since it was named after our first President and "Red" was my first horse. In the 16 yrs we had together, he taught me more than I could ever explain about life and humility. He always made my heart smile when I was near him! Although I'm lucky enough to have 3 other horses, I still miss him terribly.

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