Saturday, February 16, 2008

North & South Hancock; No. 41 & 42: February 16, 2008

It was a cold but brilliant day on the Hancocks today. Deep, deep snow on top of the ridge on both North & South Hancock made for spectacular views and for getting whacked in the head by many branches. The trail was broken out earlier in the day by a large group so Atti and I started at 12:30, stopped to chat with others on several occasions and made it out before needing a headlamp. This was my favorite hike of the year so far. You'll be able to see why from the photos. A stunning day. Now for those of you who have made a donation to Angell Animal Medical Center through our Winter Quest, get your ears ready for the next song in the slide show/music contest. This is song No. 7. And for a twist on this one, you don't have to give the title or the composer, just where it is from. Have fun. The slide show is here.