Monday, February 11, 2008

Still No News On Lost Hikers

It’s nearly 10:00 pm and the helicopter just flew overhead again, followed by the ghostly hiss of wind. It’s hard to sit here comfortably, safe, warm and know that two men may be dying or even dead just minutes away on Mt. Lafayette. In the daylight I can see Lafayette and Lincoln from my bathroom window. It is so close.

For those two men to still be out there more than 24 hours after getting lost is horrifying. You’d know what I mean if you could feel the wind and the cold today.

My prayers are with them and their families and friends.

I don’t think I will be able to sleep tonight not knowing if they are found, if they are alive or dead. These mountains in this weather can be so frightening. I cannot imagine being in their boots.

If you are the praying type, tonight would be a good night to pray for these two men.