Monday, March 31, 2008

Catching Up

For the past weeks I've been preoccupied by family issues, namely the death and burial of my father and I haven't been writing much; haven't felt like it. But here it is a new week and it's time to get back on track. We still have mountains to climb, money to raise for Angell Animal Medical Center. One of my first pieces of business will be to get caught up on some of the tributes that fell behind during the intensity of the winter months.

In that vein, here are two wonderful photos. The first is Stripert. When we hiked Whiteface for the first time this winter it was in memory of Striper. Keith Cunningham's donation to Angell through our efforts led to this dedication.

The second time we hiked Whiteface it was done for Minnie Mouse. I'll let Cheryl Dean, Minnie's owner, take it from here:
"I would like to dedicate a mountain to my cat, Minnie Mouse, who has been my inspiration for many years. I found her in a cage, hidden behind an open door, in a shelter in Maine 13 years ago. Though I was not taken with her looks, she seemed to have the sweetest disposition of all the cats I held that day, so I brought her home with me. (She reminded me of a white mouse, hence her name). Since that day, we've had lots of good times and many painful times together. She's been the one constant in my life - always at my side, always comforting, always unflappable, always amusing, and never fails to make me smile. In keeping with her namesake, she has chosen Whiteface. Minnie has been to Angell and has the utmost respect for those who have succeeded in making her the healthy, happy girl she is today."