Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Someone's Celebrating A Birthday Today!

Okay, let's pick up the mood around here a notch! In all that's been going on today I nearly forgot Atticus turned six years old today. Happy Birthday, Bug! We were in Half Baked, Fully Brewed in Lincoln today and Cathy told us it was her birthday. It wasn't until I stepped outside that I realized it was March 12th, and Atti's B-day, too. Cathy and Chris were then nice enough to give Atticus one of their delicious strawberry shortcakes. He had no trouble polishing it off, even after eating all the chicken they gave him. It's hard to believe he is only six because of all that he's experienced, all that he's been through, and the fact that he's climbed more than 350 4,000-footers in less than three years. So here's a little slide show, including some photos from his first year on this earth. Enjoy...