Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"Hey, where's that bat?"

Yeah, the look you see above is the same one he gave me yesterday afternoon when we returned to the shrub where we had placed the bat and the glove (we're not talking baseball here) earlier in the day. The glove was still there but the bat had flown the coop.

By the time we worked the phones yesterday I had spoken to a helpful woman at the North Country Animal Hospital who told me to call the Elaine Conners Center for Wildlife who eventually told me to call Maria Colby at the Wings of Dawn who told me to call a wildlife rehabilitator located in Twin Mountain who would gladly take the bat in and help it out. But in the few minutes between when I left that wildlife rehabilitator a message and she returned my call Atticus and I went to pick up the bat but found it was gone.
I'm hoping it's a good sign that it was gone, although with all that bats are going through these days I fear it might not be the case. It's a rather tragic story.

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