Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Slide Show: Pine Mountain

Recently I was looking back on our adventures together. Part of those memories entailed the heartache that came with Atti's blindness. With that in mind, I chose appropriate music for our hike today. You can see the slide show here.


  1. Great slides Tom. Where is Pine Mountain (I suppose I could just get the map out, but thought I would ask instead)? The scenery reminds me of the views we got from Iron Mountain at a few different view points and the South Cliffs. Again, great shots of Atticus.

  2. Hey, Karl. Thanks.

    Pine Mountain is off of Dolly Copp Road, beyond Barnes Field. You park the same place as you do for the Pine Link Trail going up Madison.

    It's been one of those mountains I've been wanting to do. We'll be doing a lot of those in the coming weeks, I think.

  3. Norm Head6:59 PM EDT

    Great show Tom. Pine Mtn is across from Claybrook Estates in Gorham where we sold almost all of the lots. Another good trip in the same area might be The Imp Trail

    Norm Head
