Sunday, July 28, 2013

Backyard Simplicity.

It's a simply soulful afternoon here in Jackson. Atticus is sleeping under a shade tree. I'm reading and listening to music. Will is spending time in his garden.  Life is grand.
Wildflower Will.
"Welcome to my little patch of garden."
For one mostly blind old dog, bliss is found somewhere
between the wildflowers and the pumpkin patch.
Will watching over the pumpkins.
His squinty-tough guy pose. (The sun was bright and in his eyes.)

Cosmos and other wildflowers.
Where we do our best thinking, reading, writing...or nothing at all.
“A quiet secluded life in the country, with the possibility of being useful to people to whom it is easy to do good, and who are not accustomed to have it done to them; then work which one hopes may be of some use; then rest, nature, books, music, love for one's neighbor — such is my idea of happiness.”  ~ Leo Tolstoy
Chaos & order.


  1. Lovely. Thank you for sharing your day with us. We're watching the Red Sox!

  2. Jan Reed3:09 PM EDT

    Your garden is lovely--it's a wildflower meadow and i can see why Will loves to hang out and dance in it. And watching pumpkins grow is very rewarding--every day, there is progress! Sending only the best wishes to the three of you to relax, read, rest, read some more, dance a little, sniff a little, eat something tasty, read some more, repeat, repeat, repeat. . .

  3. Anonymous3:36 PM EDT

    Peaceful. Enjoy this beautiful day that we have been given. Much love to the Ryan clan.

    Laura Reid

  4. Silvia G. Soos-Kazel4:12 PM EDT

    Glad the three of you are enjoying your well deserved
    R&R in such a lovely and serene setting. Will is quite the little gardener! Hope Atti is feeling better and his pain is greatly subsiding. We are finally seeing sun in our neck of the woods to enjoy for a few late afternoon hours. As always, thank you for sharing!

  5. Betty and Lenny4:13 PM EDT

    Hi Tom, Atticus, and Will,

    Thank you for sharing a piece of your Sunday.
    Peace to all!

    Betty and Lenny Fagen

  6. Anonymous4:24 PM EDT

    Tom, Atticus & Will,

    Thank you for sharing where you hang out to enjoy life.

    Tom, Have you ever thought of doing 'podcasts' of your blog? You have a great voice that brings your writing to another dimension.

    thanks again for sharing.

  7. Oh, so beautiful and peaceful are your photos of Will and the wildflowers. I'm so happy you shared this little bit of happiness with us today. Love to you all. Healing to Atticus! Have a good evening. ♥

  8. Anonymous5:04 PM EDT

    Lovely series of photographs. Very peaceful. Will seems so very zen these days.

    Patti Gardner

  9. Thank you for letting us in your tranquil garden. So glad that everything has calmed down and Heidi Schnauzer, Laci Schnauzer and me, Kat wish you a good day.

  10. Sometimes days spent in the backyard are the BEST days of all :)

  11. Carter W Rae8:11 PM EDT

    Hi Tom Hope your having a restful time away from it all .... I know you have said before that you are not a photographer but I think that these are GREAT Photos .... Enjoy seeing William in his element ... Blessings and love to the pack from ours and glad that Atticus is on the mend... We are right there at your side bunches of us!!! ... Enjoying those pixs keep em' coming All the best :-) (((HUGS))) to the boys

  12. Anonymous8:42 PM EDT

    Glad you're tucking in with yourselves. Best to you all always and forever.

  13. Anonymous8:46 PM EDT

    Looks like you have a piece of Heaven in that back yard! Enjoy your time to do as you please!

  14. Maria Joslin8:57 PM EDT

    What else could one wish for than to be at peace with nature and all of His creations, large and small? Thanks for sharing...

  15. Anonymous9:13 PM EDT

    Somewhere between a pumpkin patch and wildflowers...heh, heh...that Will struck gold. He should pursue a career in real estate. I'd buy.

    Hope your day was as picture perfect as it looks.

    Sweet dreams to the Musketeers.

  16. What a wonderful post, sweet Will how you make me smile. I feel the same way when I'm in the garden...enjoy :)

  17. Anonymous12:37 AM EDT

    As much as I love and enjoy the Facebook page, the lengthier platform of the blog still holds the greatest appeal. Thank you for continuing to share despite recent frustrations with the intrusive communications you have received. ~ Kathy B.

  18. Anonymous6:18 AM EDT

    Don't tell Will but his tough guy pose is adorable. Enjoy seizing the day


  19. Linda DesRoches1:55 PM EDT

    Cosmos and Will. Two of my favorite things to look at.
    Thank you Tom.

  20. You all are very blessed to have one another!

  21. Vee Quarry6:15 PM EDT

    Hi Tom,

    The photographs of Will and nature are spectacular. I hope that everyone is doing well today.

  22. Even though the wildflowers describe Will, I can't wait to see the fall flowers. Love to you Will from Kat, Heidi Schnauzer and Laci Schnauzer.

  23. Anonymous3:45 AM EDT

    Beautiful nature with incredible canine companionship...perfect.
