Thursday, December 20, 2007

To Abby, Who Is Getting Better!

When I ran my own paper I handled everything. When I sat down to interview someone I simply put a tape recorder in front of the person I was having a conversation with and we'd just talk. It wasn't until I transcribed the words from tape to my computer and actually got to read them again that I could see them come to life. There were times I read the conversation I was just involved with only to find out how good (or bad) it really was. I have just received three dedications from Laura Hoag, an MSPCA-Angell employee, and her parents and brother, and each of the three dedications had that same effect on me. It wasn't until I entered them in the dedication page and read them again that I found myself so totally moved by the simple clarity and genuine love that came through in each entry. It was a nice lift to my day. (Thank you, Laura.) That's Abby in the photo above and she's kicking butt and taking names during her journey to get better. Atticus and I will be hiking North Tripyramid for her. As for what Laura had to say about Abby and about Heidi, and then Maggie & Taffy, and to see what mountains are dedicated in their honor you will have to check out the Mountain Dedication page.

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