Tuesday, October 04, 2011

The Book Tour

Don't let the bottle from one of our hotel mini bars fool you...
Atticus was not driven to drink during the tour.  He had a great time!
Our book tour has had us on the run for the past two weeks and now we get to sleep in our own bed for the next week.  We have a few upcoming events this week but they are relatively local.  Then, next week we head out on the road for a few nights again.  Much to catch up on regarding our tour and hopefully the next couple of days will deliver some sunny days so that Atticus and I can go find a perch on top of a mountain somewhere here in the Whites where the world will come round to us again. 

We're doing well, but I know it's time to find our center again and let nature recharge us. 

As for Atticus, he's been a great sport throughout the tour.  He's fine so long as we are together and people treat him well, which they've been doing.  And I'm quite sure that while he sleeps through most of the talks I give (you have to forgive him since he's heard me talk so much as of late and already knows how the story ends - the dog lives!) he enjoys the stimulation of meeting people.   

Over the past two weeks we've put in 3,500 miles of driving, met many interesting folks, saw some great independent bookstores, and spoke at several interesting libraries.  The experiences themselves have added color to pass along during our speaking engagements and part of me wishes we could keep going.

But the other part longs to be home alone with my friend where life is quiet and private and the bears and moose and fox are never too far away.  And wouldn't you know it, the wonderful fall foliage that I've been missing up here as we've headed away from the mountains has held out and is just now starting to turn.  It really is the best time of the year up here and we are doubly blessed.  Not only do we get to live and walk in these mountains, we get to tell the world about them. 

This Thursday morning we'll be on WMWV, the North Conway radio station we listen to every morning.  We'll be interviewed by Roy Prescott at 8:20 am and it can be heard on WMWV.com if you are not in the Mount Washington Valley.  On Friday night at 7:00 pm we'll be in Newington to speak at the Barnes & Noble.  And on Saturday we'll be appearing in Littleton, NH at the Village Bookstore at 4:00 pm. 

More news to follow as we rest up for a few days and climb a mountain or two. 

Onward, by all means,
Tom (& Atticus) 


  1. Tom & Atticus,
    Thanks for the update. Any chance you could appear in the local town of Plymouth, I would skip work for that :) Wishing you and Atticus all the sunshine and DRY weather you need. Oh, you can keep the bear, moose and fox up your way, I've had a bear on my front step (yikes!), a fox and her babies trying to lay claim to my property and well all I've seen is moose tracks--thankfully :).
    Best Wishes,


  2. this is sounds interesting :)

  3. Firstly, congrats on being published. Secondly, congrats on yer Blogs of Note.

  4. Tom, it's terrific to read that you & Atticus are holding up well under the rigors of the book tour.

    I now have a copy of your book, have read it, and loved it on so many different levels!

    Just as an aside, I'm probably not the first to say this, but as I read your book I couldn't help but hear the narrative as being recited by Garrison Keillor. I hope you take that as a compliment. That's how it was intended!


  5. John, thank you for your comment. Alas, Garrison Keillor was not available so if you ever hear the audio book you'll have to settle for my voice. ;-)

    I was hoping you'd like the story, since we share the same kinship with this land we love.

  6. Tina, we also have a family of foxes and the mother often comes out when I'm grilling. We're not supposed to feed wildlife but I can't help it that a piece "falls" off the grill and just happens to land where she's standing from time to time.

  7. Thank you for your comments, everyone. It's great to be considered one of Blogger.com's "Blogs of Note."

  8. Anonymous12:35 PM EDT

    The book signing in Lincoln was overflowing, it had the wonderful feel of a classic New England town get together, and the program was a delight. I almost never go to anything like this but I am so glad I made this one. Plus I got a book with Atticus's paw print. Thanks so much Tom.


  9. John, I'm glad you came and enjoyed yourself. You are right on with the way you described it as a classic New England town get together. Very special indeed!

  10. stumbled by this morning... you and atticus can sleep even better (no jack d required... hee hee) knowing that the book and the cdb will soon be on the shelves of the idaho falls public library!!

  11. Michelle5:45 AM EDT

    I am so sad to learn that I missed you and Atticus while you were in PA. I LOVE your book. I have a mini sch. too and they are such special dogs. I have a hard time getting her to believe she is a dog and not another person. Any chance that your tour brings you back to the PA/NJ area?

  12. Anonymous8:53 AM EDT

    Congrats on the book and it sounds like you guys have been having a great time!

    Hope the good times keep on for you two.


  13. Anonymous5:21 PM EDT

    Hi Tom,

    Sorry I couldn't make it to the Mountain Wanderer as I was finishing the 48 on Monroe that day. Planning to be in Newington on Friday night. Looking forward to seeing you and Atti again.

    All the best,
    Rolly (& Baxter the Boxer)

  14. Any chance of an Atlanta area stop on the book tour? My husband Clifford got me a copy of Following Atticus when you were in Delaware and I enjoyed it very much.

  15. I've yet to read your book, but your blog posts just had me itching to read it! Plus, this is the first time I've ever met an author! I want to be one, so I'm currently writing a novel!

  16. Anonymous6:25 PM EDT

    That was just the cutest picture!

  17. Janie C.9:44 PM EDT

    Just finished your book in record time with only 2 boxes of Kleenex. I cannot wait for the movie. This is too good of story not to reach everyone. Best wishes.
