First, we returned to Pine Mountain, which we hiked just two days ago. We wanted to introduce our friends Ken and Ann Stampfer to the peak, which at only 2,404 feet, is dwarfed by Mount Madison, it's neighbor, but its stunning views are the very best view of Pinkham Notch. The second thing was to take Ken and Ann someplace in the Whites they'd never been before. That's very difficult to do since throughout their wonderful marriage they've been just about everywhere.
It was a beautiful day to return. The lighting was a bit different than it was the other day and it made it feel almost as if we were seeing different views. And as always, when we get together with Ken and Ann and break out of our private hikes, the company was great and Ken, who is a gifted photographer, took plenty of shots. One of them is among my all-time favorites. (That's it above.) I like it so much I believe it will be among the select color photos I'll be sending along to my publisher to be printed in our book.
It looks like you might have worn out poor Atticus????
Not at all. When he was a little puppy my breeder had me carry him everywhere we went for the fist two months. It created our leashless bond and a nice sense of security so that he doesn't bark or feel the need to chase after every little thing. On occasion I still pick him up. We both enjoy it, Jan. You might say we never out grew it.
That's wonderful! I wish my breeder would have told me that. Sadie barks at everyone, & chases any wildlife she can.
i love that shot, too. you and atticus are such an inspiring pair!
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