Following Atticus: Forty-Eight High Peaks, One Little Dog, and an Extraordinary Friendship by Tom Ryan is published by William Morrow. It tells the story of my adventures with Atticus M. Finch, a little dog of some distinction. You can also find our column in the NorthCountry News.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

On Giving & Receiving Books

The subject of giving books as gifts has come up lately in conversations with some friends. Although my faults are too numerous to count, it has been pointed out that I "give good book." Since most who are reading this post enjoy books, I'm sharing part of a letter to a friend that includes this subject. (You'll probably have to click on the photos to expand them so that you can read the words.)

It should be noted that unless I know a person wants one of my books, I don't ever give them as gifts. It always feels a bit presumptuous to me to do otherwise. 


Karen in Virginia said...

Never thought of it that way before. LOL!

Anonymous said...

The only book I ever gave as a gift was Following Atticus to my family members & my dearest friends. All who read your story were truly grateful to have received such a wonderful gift that they ending up giving the book to their family & friends!

Barb Cuffley said...

Tom, when your Following Atticus came out my dear friend from Eaton NH read it and sent a copy all the way to Australia for me. It was the best gift. I loved the book and I’ve been following your life through your blog and Facebook and now Instagram ever since. I had visited my friend in NH in 2012 and she took me all through your White Mountains and drove me over her beloved Kankamagus Highway. She took me up Mt Washington on the cog railway, and we stopped by beautiful rivers for picnics. My friend has since died but her memory lingers long in your beautiful part of the world. Thank you for being part of her memory. Take care.

Unknown said...

If not for receiving Following Atticus as a gift, I would have surely missed a lot.

Vera said...

I am curious about your tools. The paper seems of heavy stock and handmade or handpressed at least. The pen is new age obviously. Not so much interested in the where you got them but how you came to using them.

Unknown said...

I wouldn't give a book to someone as a gift due to feeling the exact same feelings you have about doing it. I have shared your story with several people and have given a copy of Following Atticus and Will's Red Coat to a friend who wanted to read them. She thoroughly enjoyed both which made me smile big. Thanks Tom.